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Canadian Families: Caregivers' Brigadeâ„¢

The Caregivers' Brigade™ is made up of spouses of ill and injured Serving Military Members and Veterans who have located resources to assist and  benefit other families. We are consultants for Caregivers of RCMP and CAF members, whether serving or released. We work with existing departments and organizations for the benefit of families of the ill and injured. Our volunteers would be happy to assist you in finding the appropriate resources for your family.

(Click photo for article)

Our goal is to provide access to information though guidance and  consultation of beneficial services. The Caregivers' Brigade™ does not request or accept funding for programs and services, however, we can assist in understanding approval processes through our connections with varied organizations. 


Our directory of resources offers guidance in locating peer support, helplines, and services through listing a number of Canadian organizations that are willing and capable of assisting struggling families. If, after reviewing our Resource directory, you feel you would benefit from additional information or direction, please sent us an email and we would happily assist you further.


We have researched and created positive connections with organizations to assist families of both serving and retired   Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and 

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) members. We are confident that the list of resources will help alleviate confusion and frustration. Please review the services and let us know if you are aware of additional services for families, or if you require further assistance. 


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Tips for Coping with PTSD in the Family:


  • Be Patient. Getting better takes time, even when a person is committed to treatment for PTSD. Be patient with the pace of recovery. It’s a process that takes time and often involves setbacks. The important thing is to stay positive and work with each other.


  • Educate yourself about PTSD. The more you know about the symptoms, effects, and treatment options, the better equipped you'll be to help your loved one, understand what he or she is going through, and keep things in perspective. Knowledge truly offers benefits to circumstance.


  • Don't pressure your loved one into talking. It can be very difficult for people with PTSD to talk about their traumatic experiences. For some, it can even make things seem worse. Instead of trying to force it, just let them know you’re willing to listen when they’re ready. Encourage them to speak to a professional or peer support, and understand that there will be some things they feel the need to protect you from hearing.


  • Take care of your emotional and physical health. As the saying goes, put on your own oxygen mask first. You won’t be any good to your loved one if you are burned out, sick, or exhausted. Resources for respite, counselling, peer support, and other options are evolving regularly.


  • Accept (and expect) mixed feelings. As you go through the emotional wringer, be prepared for a complicated mix of feelings—some of which you may not want to admit. Just remember, having negative feelings toward your family member doesn’t mean you don’t love them. Remind yourself and your family member that their injury is not a burden.


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Lieutenant-General David Millar, Chief of Military Personnel

 True Patriot Love Symposium 2014 

"The State of the Military Family in Canada"

Retrieved from MFS SFM Youtube page:

© Caregivers' Brigade™ - Canadian Families - 2014 - All rights Reserved

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